Congratulations to Shelley Bishop of the A Sense of Family blog for winning the My Memories Suite Digital Scrapbooking Software giveaway here on my blog!
However everyone is a winner with My Memories. They are also providing all my readers a $10 discount off the purchase of the My Memories Suite Scrapbook software (v.3 now available!) and a $10 coupon for the store - a $20 value!
Use code STMMMS80144 at checkout for your discount/coupon.
I used to randomly choose the winner of this giveaway.
Including the surnames Tapley, Drake, Page, Harrell, Odom, Claxton, Bush, Swain, and Schwalls from the U.S. Southeast; and Ranney, Hubbard, Hesser, Carter, Schoonover, and Ozmun/Ozman/Osman from the U.S. Northeast and Midwest
Tuesday, November 29, 2011
Saturday, November 26, 2011
Saturday Night Genealogy Fun - Historical County Boundaries
From Randy over at Genea-Musings:
Hey Genea-philes, have you recovered from your tryptophan coma on Thursday? Wake up - it's SATURDAY NIGHT! Time for more GENEALOGY FUN!
Your mission, should you decide to accept it, is to:
1) Go to the Historical U.S. County Maps page on Randy Majors website ( ) .Read the whole page for tips on how to use the tool by entering a current geographical place in the United States and a year (from the drop down list) at the top of the page.
2) Pick one place of interest and enter the name of the place (a current town/city or county) and choose a year from the dropdown list. Use the Back < and Forward > arrow links to move forward or backward in time.
3) Note the Historical jurisdiction for the place you selected for each year. Write down the list from 1790 to 1900.
4) Post the place you selected and the historical jurisdictions for that place in a blog post of your own, in a comment to this blog post, or in a Facebook Status or google Plus Stream post.
5) Think about the jurisdictions that came up - have you looked in those jurisdictions for information about your ancestral families that were in that place?
Here's mine:
I chose Johnson County, Georgia. The jurisdictions it was in from 1790 to 1900 were:
1790: Washington County, Georgia
1800: Montgomery County, Georgia
1810: Montgomery County, Georgia
1820: Emanuel County, Georgia
1830: Emanuel County, Georgia
1840: Emanuel County, Georgia
1850: Emanuel County, Georgia
1860: Johnson County, Georgia (created December 11, 1858)
1870: Johnson County, Georgia
1880: Johnson County, Georgia
1890: Johnson County, Georgia
1900: Johnson County, Georgia
I have done research in Washington County. Emanuel County has had too many courthouse fires to be of much help. However, I have not done ANY research in Montgomery County. I'd better get on that!
Hey Genea-philes, have you recovered from your tryptophan coma on Thursday? Wake up - it's SATURDAY NIGHT! Time for more GENEALOGY FUN!
Your mission, should you decide to accept it, is to:
1) Go to the Historical U.S. County Maps page on Randy Majors website ( ) .Read the whole page for tips on how to use the tool by entering a current geographical place in the United States and a year (from the drop down list) at the top of the page.
2) Pick one place of interest and enter the name of the place (a current town/city or county) and choose a year from the dropdown list. Use the Back < and Forward > arrow links to move forward or backward in time.
3) Note the Historical jurisdiction for the place you selected for each year. Write down the list from 1790 to 1900.
4) Post the place you selected and the historical jurisdictions for that place in a blog post of your own, in a comment to this blog post, or in a Facebook Status or google Plus Stream post.
5) Think about the jurisdictions that came up - have you looked in those jurisdictions for information about your ancestral families that were in that place?
Here's mine:
I chose Johnson County, Georgia. The jurisdictions it was in from 1790 to 1900 were:
1790: Washington County, Georgia
1800: Montgomery County, Georgia
1810: Montgomery County, Georgia
1820: Emanuel County, Georgia
1830: Emanuel County, Georgia
1840: Emanuel County, Georgia
1850: Emanuel County, Georgia
1860: Johnson County, Georgia (created December 11, 1858)
1870: Johnson County, Georgia
1880: Johnson County, Georgia
1890: Johnson County, Georgia
1900: Johnson County, Georgia
I have done research in Washington County. Emanuel County has had too many courthouse fires to be of much help. However, I have not done ANY research in Montgomery County. I'd better get on that!
Saturday, November 19, 2011
My Memories Suite Giveaway
Well, dear readers, it's an exciting day here. That's because I am having my first giveaway!
As many of you know, I scrapbook. Or at least I used to. I will get back to it. However, since my move, all of my scrapbooking supplies are still packed in boxes, with no time frame in sight of when it will be unpacked. So if I have an itch to be creative... to make a scrapbook page or a greeting card...what can I do? My glue, paper cutter, and scissors are all packed away! Enter... digital scrapbooking!
Now I had not tried digital scrapbooking in the past just because I always said I liked to play with paper and glue. Feel the products in my hands. However, I find myself in this unique situation of being unable to use my tactile supplies... so trying out digital scrapbooking makes a lot of sense.
I recently was given the chance to try out the My Memories Suite software. Now this is more than just a scrapbooking program. You can make scrapbook pages or an album, sure, but you can also make greeting cards, calendars, videos, invitations, and much more! You are only limited by your imagination! They include lots of templates in the software, plus if you don't see something that strikes your fancy, there are tons of templates, kits, and accessories on their site.
Now you have the opportunity to receive this fabulous scrapbook software for free (worth $40)! Plus a $20 savings for everyone!
I made three projects using the program this afternoon. It was very easy to do. I used an album template for my first project. These are several scrapbook pages already designed, and all you have to do is drop your pictures onto the pages. If you don't even want to do that, the program will add your pictures for you! I also wanted to demonstrate how you can use the album templates for a theme other than the one originally suggested. For instance the album I chose was originally designed for girl pages; I adapted it for my doggie!
Then I made a heritage page, cause that's what I do. This page I built from "scratch," using background paper and embellishments included in the software. It's a simple page, but effective.
Also, because I hate paying $3.00 for a greeting card, I made one myself! Here's the original layout from the software:
And here it is cropped into pieces so you won't have to stand on your head to read the verse:
(Remember you can click on any of the above images to view them larger and then click the back arrow to return to this post.)
So as you can see, the software is very versatile. Now on to the good part: a coupon code!
My Memories is offering all of you, my readers, $10 off your purchase of the My Memories Suite v2.0 plus a $10 credit toward any purchase at their store! That's $20 in savings!
Just use the code STMMMS80144 when checking out. Be sure to let others know too; it would make an excellent Christmas gift! (I would suggest copying and pasting the code so there are no typos.)
Now you're thinking, "But Liz, what about that giveaway you mentioned at the top of this post?!" No fear, I haven't forgotten about that!
1. Visit, find your favorite product(s), come back here, and let me know what it is in a comment.
2. "Like" My Memories on Facebook, follow on Twitter (and you'll also receive a $5 coupon to their online store!) or follow their blog and let me know in a comment here on this blog.
3. Let others know about the giveaway (through Facebook or Twitter); again let me know in a comment!
Please leave a separate comment for each entry!
Giveaway ends Sunday, November 27 at midnight. The winner will be announced on Monday, November 28th.
Good luck!
Disclosure: I was given a copy of My Memories Suite v2.0 in order to evaluate it and share my impressions with you.
Saturday Night Genealogy Fun - Thanksgiving Edition
From Randy over at Genea-Musings:
Hey genea-philes ... it's SATURDAY NIGHT again - time for more GENEALOGY FUN!!!
Your mission, should you decide to accept it, is to:
1) Think about the answers to these questions:
a. Which ancestor are you most thankful for, and why?
b. Which author (book, periodical, website, etc.) are you most thankful for, and why?
c. Which historical record set (paper or website) are you most thankful for, and why?
2) Tell us about it in a blog post of your own; in a comment to this blog post; in a Facebook status line or a Google Plus stream post.
Here's mine:
1-a: This is a tough one! I am thankful for so many of my ancestors for different reasons! I guess I will have to choose my maternal grandfather, Charles Morgan "Pop Pop" Tapley (1907-1973) because he was the one who sparked my interest in genealogy. It was his steno pad full of family charts and information that I inherited after he died. Those pages (which I still have and cherish, of course!) have grown into a database of over 3,800 individuals with additional notes on many of them.
1-b: I know I am going to sound like a stalker... or a kiss up... but honestly, my favorite author is Thomas MacEntee, author of the Geneabloggers blog, among others. Not only did Thomas spark my interest in starting my own genealogy blog, but the information he has available for bloggers on Geneabloggers is invaluable! From either Thomas or his blog, I learned how to write a Disclosure Statement, how to add a Posts by Topics roll up to my blog, and the importance of adding a research toolbox to assist my readers. In addition, the links to thousands of other genealogy blogs and visiting them has expanded my knowledge base ten-fold! I can e-mail Thomas anytime, and no matter how busy he is (and we all know he is extremely in demand), he takes the time to reply and answer my questions.
1-c: The historical record I am most thankful for is the United States Census. Even though many times it has incorrect ages and misspelled names, it has been invaluable in helping me find the location of an ancestor, or the names of children (or spouses!) I didn't know they had, or where they or their parents were born. I have just learned to take the information "with a grain of salt" and use it as a starting point in my research.
Hey genea-philes ... it's SATURDAY NIGHT again - time for more GENEALOGY FUN!!!
Your mission, should you decide to accept it, is to:
1) Think about the answers to these questions:
a. Which ancestor are you most thankful for, and why?
b. Which author (book, periodical, website, etc.) are you most thankful for, and why?
c. Which historical record set (paper or website) are you most thankful for, and why?
2) Tell us about it in a blog post of your own; in a comment to this blog post; in a Facebook status line or a Google Plus stream post.
Here's mine:
1-a: This is a tough one! I am thankful for so many of my ancestors for different reasons! I guess I will have to choose my maternal grandfather, Charles Morgan "Pop Pop" Tapley (1907-1973) because he was the one who sparked my interest in genealogy. It was his steno pad full of family charts and information that I inherited after he died. Those pages (which I still have and cherish, of course!) have grown into a database of over 3,800 individuals with additional notes on many of them.
1-b: I know I am going to sound like a stalker... or a kiss up... but honestly, my favorite author is Thomas MacEntee, author of the Geneabloggers blog, among others. Not only did Thomas spark my interest in starting my own genealogy blog, but the information he has available for bloggers on Geneabloggers is invaluable! From either Thomas or his blog, I learned how to write a Disclosure Statement, how to add a Posts by Topics roll up to my blog, and the importance of adding a research toolbox to assist my readers. In addition, the links to thousands of other genealogy blogs and visiting them has expanded my knowledge base ten-fold! I can e-mail Thomas anytime, and no matter how busy he is (and we all know he is extremely in demand), he takes the time to reply and answer my questions.
1-c: The historical record I am most thankful for is the United States Census. Even though many times it has incorrect ages and misspelled names, it has been invaluable in helping me find the location of an ancestor, or the names of children (or spouses!) I didn't know they had, or where they or their parents were born. I have just learned to take the information "with a grain of salt" and use it as a starting point in my research.
Friday, November 18, 2011
Grandma's Diary, Part 45
(To read prior entries from my maternal grandmother's 1933 diary, please
click on the tab "Posts by Topic" and then go
to the topic "California." All posts are listed
H = her boyfriend, Hazel Avery Plumlee
Delma = Hazel's little sister
Earl = Hazel's brother
Verda = Earl's wife
Dorothy Lee = Hazel's niece (Earl's child)
Otho is Otho Hesser, her father's cousin.
Viella is Otho's wife.
Ruth & Kathryn are Otho and Viella's daughters.
Uncle Jont is Jonathan Hesser, Otho's father and her father's uncle.
Aunt Kate is Sarah Katherine Hall Hesser, Jonathan's wife and Otho's mother
Herman (Williams) is Alice's husband.
Kenneth's wife is also named Alice; her maiden name is unknown.
Sunday, November 12: "Hazel came home with us from L.A. In the afternoon we visited Plumlees."
Monday, November 13: "Hazel & I stayed all night at Trowbridges. I went to school. Dad came after to me at noon."
Tuesday, November 14: "I stayed all night at Trowbridges. Took Hazel to Pomona on his way to L.A. Clara & Lucile rode along."
Wednesday, November 15: "Drove the car to school. Saw Lucile & Clara. We went to the show in the eve."
Thursday, November 16: "I went to school. Folks came after me about 2. Visited Aunt Kate. Took a ride thru Smiley Heights."
Friday, November 17: "I went to school. Alice & Mama came after me & we went to Berdo. Went to Viellas for supper."
Saturday, November 18: "Tried to clean house a little bit. Mama & I went to Berdo. We sewed in the afternoon."
More contributions from child Liz:
Mon, November 12, 1973: "My Gradpa died and My Gradma died Too."
November 12, 1975: "My mother's and Daddy wedding anuvshe." (anniversary)
November 17, 1969: "My Nefu was born." (nephew) (This would have referred to Harry, Jr., but he was actually born in 1968.)
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The writer is Ethel Ranney Tapley. |
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Alice is her sister. |
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Kenneth is her brother. |
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Her parents. |
Delma = Hazel's little sister
Earl = Hazel's brother
Verda = Earl's wife
Dorothy Lee = Hazel's niece (Earl's child)
Otho is Otho Hesser, her father's cousin.
Viella is Otho's wife.
Ruth & Kathryn are Otho and Viella's daughters.
Uncle Jont is Jonathan Hesser, Otho's father and her father's uncle.
Aunt Kate is Sarah Katherine Hall Hesser, Jonathan's wife and Otho's mother
Herman (Williams) is Alice's husband.
Kenneth's wife is also named Alice; her maiden name is unknown.
Sunday, November 12: "Hazel came home with us from L.A. In the afternoon we visited Plumlees."
Monday, November 13: "Hazel & I stayed all night at Trowbridges. I went to school. Dad came after to me at noon."
Tuesday, November 14: "I stayed all night at Trowbridges. Took Hazel to Pomona on his way to L.A. Clara & Lucile rode along."
Wednesday, November 15: "Drove the car to school. Saw Lucile & Clara. We went to the show in the eve."
Thursday, November 16: "I went to school. Folks came after me about 2. Visited Aunt Kate. Took a ride thru Smiley Heights."
Friday, November 17: "I went to school. Alice & Mama came after me & we went to Berdo. Went to Viellas for supper."
Saturday, November 18: "Tried to clean house a little bit. Mama & I went to Berdo. We sewed in the afternoon."
More contributions from child Liz:
Mon, November 12, 1973: "My Gradpa died and My Gradma died Too."
November 12, 1975: "My mother's and Daddy wedding anuvshe." (anniversary)
November 17, 1969: "My Nefu was born." (nephew) (This would have referred to Harry, Jr., but he was actually born in 1968.)
Los Angeles,
San Bernardino,
Thursday, November 17, 2011 Partners with National Archives on 1940 Census
Today, announced that they have partnered with the National Archives to make the 1940 Census available April 2, 2012.
Here is their announcement, which is also available on their blog at
Here is their announcement, which is also available on their blog at
" Partners with the National Archives to Unveil the 1940 Census Parent Company Inflection Awarded Project to Make 1940 Census Records Free to the Public
REDWOOD CITY, Calif., Nov. 17, 2011 --,
the website that makes discovering your family history simple and
affordable, has joined in partnership with the National Archives of the
United States to provide the public with free digital access to the 1940 Federal Population Census
beginning on April 2, 2012. In close collaboration with the National
Archives, will build a website for researchers to browse,
view, and download images from the 1940 Census, the most important
collection of newly released U.S. genealogy records in a decade.
is pleased to contribute to this momentous project, allowing
researchers to digitally access the latest release of the U.S. Federal
Population Census, the ultimate resource for family historians, at no
cost. Census day occurred April 1, 1940 and due to the 72-year privacy
restriction these records will be available to the public for the first
time in 2012.
Matthew Monahan said, “We are thrilled to have the opportunity to
participate in this historic moment and demonstrate our ongoing
commitment to the advancement of online genealogy research. Access to
1940 Census records will allow researchers to discover new family
members and previously unknown connections to the past. We’re happy to
have the opportunity to facilitate the discovery of these records, which
document over 130 million U.S. residents, more than any previous U.S.
The 1940 Census will be available to the public April 2, 2012 at 9:00
AM (Eastern Daylight Time) on a new website created in collaboration
between and the National Archives. The collection will
consist of 3.8 million images that the National Archives scanned
from over four thousand rolls of microfilm. Public access to the images
will not require payment or registration, and will be available to any
person with internet access. The name and web address of the website
will be announced at a later date.
Digital Access Strategist for the National Archives Pamela Wright
notes, “The importance of the 1940 Census cannot be underestimated. At
the National Archives, we have been preparing for the launch of these
records for years. We are working closely with Inflection to ensure
researchers will be able to search the 1940 Census when it opens next
year.” At launch, researchers will be able to search the 1940 Census by
address, Enumeration District (ED), and geographic location. Researchers
will be able to browse images by ED number directly, or use address or
geographic information to locate the appropriate census schedule.
To learn more about and the National Archives bringing the 1940 Census online, please visit The National Archives also has published a number of helpful resources available to researchers on their website,
which can help you to prepare to most effectively search the 1940
Census on April 2nd. As the project progresses, updates and additional
information will be posted at Join the conversation on Twitter using the hashtag #1940Census.
is the website that makes family history simple and affordable. is owned and operated by Inflection a data commerce company
headquartered in the heart of Silicon Valley. It has proven its
leadership in the family history industry through its commitment to
building powerful, easy to use tools, and helping researchers discover
new family connections with its growing database of over 1.5 billion
records. parent company Inflection was chosen by the
National Archives to host the 1940 Census. Learn more about the project
About the National Archives
National Archives and Records Administration is an independent Federal
agency that preserves and shares with the public records that trace the
story of our nation, government, and the American people. From the
Declaration of Independence to accounts of ordinary Americans, the
holdings of the National Archives directly touch the lives of millions
of people. The National Archives is a public trust upon which our
democracy depends, ensuring access to essential evidence that protects
the rights of American citizens, documents the actions of the
government, and reveals the evolving national experience. Visit"
Wednesday, November 16, 2011
Resting Spot
Back at the end of August, I received an e-mail from Brett Atlas of Resting Spot, telling me about this new project they had started using the GPS technology in smartphones to help people locate "RestingSpots" in cemeteries. Now anyone who knows me knows that August was a blur for me. That is when I moved to North Carolina, and I was NOT prepared or able to take on any new projects myself or investigate any new applications. However, the e-mail piqued my interest, and I held on to it with the hope of following up some day.
Finally, I did. Or, I should say, WE did. On Saturday, October 15, Ginger Smith of Genealogy by Ginger's Blog and I decided to fulfill a request for a photo of a grave. We decided it would be a good time to try out this new Resting Spot application. I downloaded the iPhone app and away we went. We visited Ebenezer Baptist Church Cemetery in Wake County (Raleigh). We were searching for the headstone of one Louise (or Louisa) H. Johnson Smith, as per the request on Find a Grave. While we did not locate her grave, we did locate the graves of three of her children, Swannie, Elbert, and Early Smith.
Adding these Resting Spots into the application was simple. You click "Add." You type in the First, Middle/Maiden and Last names, Birth Date, and Rest Date. (You will notice the location latitude and longitude already listed at the top of the screen.) Click "Add RestingSpot." Upload the picture of the headstone, and you are done. I was excited at how easy it was to use. The application automatically enters the name of the cemetery (In this instance, the cemetery is also known as King Family Cemetery so that is the name listed in Resting Spot.) and maps the location. Once uploaded, you can Share RestingSpot, Add Photo, look at the Photo Gallery (the photo you already uploaded), or View on Map.
Now I am a huge Find a Grave fan. I have used it for several years and have been a volunteer photographer for them. I have made breakthroughs in my research using that site. However, they have not eagerly entered the mobile application arena. (There is a Android mobile app, but it is not being actively promoted or supported, as far as I can tell.) It is still mostly a manual process to upload memorials and photos to their site. I will continue to use Find a Grave, and I am hopeful they will branch out more in the mobile arena, like maybe adding an iPhone app.
Resting Spot is new and only has a fraction of the number of resting spots in their database as Find a Grave has in theirs. I have high hopes for it, though, and will now use it each time I am out visiting a cemetery. There is another mobile application for uploading graves, and I say we cannot have too many. The more options we have as genealogists to find information about our ancestors... all the better. Resting Spot's goal is "to map every RestingSpot in the United States by Memorial Day 2013." They are looking for volunteers to help them meet that goal. Please consider contributing to their database... or to the database of whichever application or site you prefer.. or even to all of them! We can never have too much information in genealogy!
I was not asked or compensated by Resting Spot for my comments/review of their program. I was just impressed with it and wanted to share my opinion. There is an Android app also available. Both the Android and iPhone apps can be downloaded via links on their site:
Monday, November 14, 2011
A lot can happen in a year!
One year ago today, I started this blog. Last night when I realized that today is my blogoversary, I went back and read my first post. Boy, have I come a long way! This past year has brought so many major changes, upheavals, hurts, pleasant surprises, and joys that it is a wonder I am still coherent!
Before starting this blog, I had been doing genealogy on my own off and on for many years when I found a friend who was just as excited by looking for dead people as I was. Last year about this time, we attended the Family History Expo in Atlanta. There, I took a class from Thomas MacEntee on writing a blog. That lit a fire under me. As soon as I returned home, I started this blog. I love telling my family's stories (Who doesn't?!). And the best surprises have been all of the cousins and Geneablogger friends I have gained! I purposely and freely put my name out there on the Internet in order to grab the attention of any possible relatives. I am blessed to say it has worked. I have gained at least 10 cousins from writing this blog!
In addition, I have learned a lot about my family. This blog helps motivate me to do more and more research. I mean, I need to find out more to have something to write about on my blog! Also, joining the Geneablogger community - because what blogger who blogs about genealogy wouldn't! - has exposed me to wonderful information, webinars, stronger research techniques, better source citations, friends, acquaintances, and so much more.
Through all that has happened over the past year, this blog has been my constant. The familiar thing I could come back to. Oh, I had to neglect it for awhile, but it was right here waiting for my return. It is always patient, always happy, and always willing to listen. Of course "it" refers to you - my readers. Thank you for visiting and commenting. If you are related to me, I thank you even more if you drop me a line. I have been called a "cousin collector," and that is just fine by me!
Before starting this blog, I had been doing genealogy on my own off and on for many years when I found a friend who was just as excited by looking for dead people as I was. Last year about this time, we attended the Family History Expo in Atlanta. There, I took a class from Thomas MacEntee on writing a blog. That lit a fire under me. As soon as I returned home, I started this blog. I love telling my family's stories (Who doesn't?!). And the best surprises have been all of the cousins and Geneablogger friends I have gained! I purposely and freely put my name out there on the Internet in order to grab the attention of any possible relatives. I am blessed to say it has worked. I have gained at least 10 cousins from writing this blog!
In addition, I have learned a lot about my family. This blog helps motivate me to do more and more research. I mean, I need to find out more to have something to write about on my blog! Also, joining the Geneablogger community - because what blogger who blogs about genealogy wouldn't! - has exposed me to wonderful information, webinars, stronger research techniques, better source citations, friends, acquaintances, and so much more.
Through all that has happened over the past year, this blog has been my constant. The familiar thing I could come back to. Oh, I had to neglect it for awhile, but it was right here waiting for my return. It is always patient, always happy, and always willing to listen. Of course "it" refers to you - my readers. Thank you for visiting and commenting. If you are related to me, I thank you even more if you drop me a line. I have been called a "cousin collector," and that is just fine by me!
Sunday, November 13, 2011
Sunday's Obituary: Charlie Alonzo Drake

Charlie was my 1st cousin, 2x removed.
Saturday, November 12, 2011
Saturday Night Genealogy Fun -- A Veteran's Service and Gravesite
From Randy over at Genea-Musings:
Dear genealogists everywhere, it's Saturday Night! Time for some Genealogy FUN.
Your mission this week, should you decide to accept it, is to:
1) To celebrate Veterans Day, pick one of your ancestors or relatives with a military record and a gravestone.
2) Tell us about your ancestor's military service.
3) Tell us about your ancestor's gravestone - where is it, what is the inscription, when were you last there? Show us a picture of it if you have one available.
4) Write your own blog post about this ancestor and his gravestone, or share it in a Comment to this blog post, in a status line on Facebook, or in a Google Plus Stream post.
Here's mine:
(1) I chose my maternal grandfather, Charles Morgan Tapley (1907-1973), who served in the United States Navy twice.
He first served in the Navy from December 3, 1923 to November 3, 1925. If you do the math, he was only 16 years old when he joined. The family lore is that he ran away from his home in Georgia, went to California, and lied about his age to join the Navy. (Obviously, it was much easier to lie about your age back then.) The story continues that eventually, he wrote his father and begged him to get him (Charles) out of the military. I theorize that the the way his father did that was to let the U.S. Navy know that Charles was underage.
According to his military records, some of this story is true. However, he actually joined in Raleigh, North Carolina and trained at Hampton Roads, Virginia. From March 10, 1924 until his discharge in November 1925, he served upon the USS Arizona, which is probably how he ended up in California. His record clearly states next to his discharge date: "Underage - Honorable Discharge." His rating was S2c at time of discharge.
The second time my grandfather served in the U.S. Navy was during World War II. By 1944, he was divorced with a 12 year old daughter and re-married with a 7 year old step-son, an 18 month old daughter, and a wife that was starting to exhibit health problems. He was trying to support a family by working any job he could find (including as an insurance salesman at this time). Pearl Harbor was attacked in December 1943 and three months later, he got a government "greetings letter" (draft notice). He had to report somewhere in Los Angeles for induction. When he arrived, he knew he would rather go back into the Navy, with which he was familiar, rather than join the Army. So he got into the Navy line, and when the recruiter found out he had served before, they signed him right up. He spent the first several months of his service at training school in Toledo, Ohio. At the end of that training, his rating was changed to S1c. In September 1944, he was transferred to the S.S. Bataan and worked on the ship as a storekeeper. The only thing he really said about his service is that the planes taking off overhead on the deck were terribly loud. He was discharged in April 1945 because his wife's health had deteriorated to the point that he was needed at home.
Pop Pop is buried at Gumlog Primitive Baptist Church Cemetery outside Kite in Johnson County, Georgia. Here are photographs of his grave.
The last time I visited Pop Pop's grave was this past March. When I still lived in Georgia, I would meet my mother in the area to assist her in placing flowers on the family graves.
Dear genealogists everywhere, it's Saturday Night! Time for some Genealogy FUN.
Your mission this week, should you decide to accept it, is to:
1) To celebrate Veterans Day, pick one of your ancestors or relatives with a military record and a gravestone.
2) Tell us about your ancestor's military service.
3) Tell us about your ancestor's gravestone - where is it, what is the inscription, when were you last there? Show us a picture of it if you have one available.
4) Write your own blog post about this ancestor and his gravestone, or share it in a Comment to this blog post, in a status line on Facebook, or in a Google Plus Stream post.
Here's mine:
(1) I chose my maternal grandfather, Charles Morgan Tapley (1907-1973), who served in the United States Navy twice.
He first served in the Navy from December 3, 1923 to November 3, 1925. If you do the math, he was only 16 years old when he joined. The family lore is that he ran away from his home in Georgia, went to California, and lied about his age to join the Navy. (Obviously, it was much easier to lie about your age back then.) The story continues that eventually, he wrote his father and begged him to get him (Charles) out of the military. I theorize that the the way his father did that was to let the U.S. Navy know that Charles was underage.
According to his military records, some of this story is true. However, he actually joined in Raleigh, North Carolina and trained at Hampton Roads, Virginia. From March 10, 1924 until his discharge in November 1925, he served upon the USS Arizona, which is probably how he ended up in California. His record clearly states next to his discharge date: "Underage - Honorable Discharge." His rating was S2c at time of discharge.
The second time my grandfather served in the U.S. Navy was during World War II. By 1944, he was divorced with a 12 year old daughter and re-married with a 7 year old step-son, an 18 month old daughter, and a wife that was starting to exhibit health problems. He was trying to support a family by working any job he could find (including as an insurance salesman at this time). Pearl Harbor was attacked in December 1943 and three months later, he got a government "greetings letter" (draft notice). He had to report somewhere in Los Angeles for induction. When he arrived, he knew he would rather go back into the Navy, with which he was familiar, rather than join the Army. So he got into the Navy line, and when the recruiter found out he had served before, they signed him right up. He spent the first several months of his service at training school in Toledo, Ohio. At the end of that training, his rating was changed to S1c. In September 1944, he was transferred to the S.S. Bataan and worked on the ship as a storekeeper. The only thing he really said about his service is that the planes taking off overhead on the deck were terribly loud. He was discharged in April 1945 because his wife's health had deteriorated to the point that he was needed at home.
Pop Pop is buried at Gumlog Primitive Baptist Church Cemetery outside Kite in Johnson County, Georgia. Here are photographs of his grave.
Charles M Tapley
S1 US Navy
World War II
June 27 1907 Nov 12 1973
He is buried next to Grandma, Ethel Irene Ranney Tapley. Nearby are his mother, Mattie Schwalls Tapley, two of his brothers, James and Gilbert Tapley, and sisters-in-law Reida Mae Poole Tapley and Alice Ranney Thornburg.
The last time I visited Pop Pop's grave was this past March. When I still lived in Georgia, I would meet my mother in the area to assist her in placing flowers on the family graves.
Friday, November 11, 2011
Grandma's Diary, Part 44
(To read prior entries from my maternal grandmother's 1933 diary, please
click on the tab "Posts by Topic" and then go
to the topic "California." All posts are listed
H = her boyfriend, Hazel Avery Plumlee
Delma = Hazel's little sister
Earl = Hazel's brother
Verda = Earl's wife
Dorothy Lee = Hazel's niece (Earl's child)
Otho is Otho Hesser, her father's cousin.
Viella is Otho's wife.
Ruth & Kathryn are Otho and Viella's daughters.
Uncle Jont is Jonathan Hesser, Otho's father and her father's uncle.
Aunt Kate is Sarah Katherine Hall Hesser, Jonathan's wife and Otho's mother
Herman (Williams) is Alice's husband.
Kenneth's wife is also named Alice; her maiden name is unknown.
Sunday, November 5: "Hazel & I went to Monterey Pk. & met Mama. Ate some more lunch at Mrs. Childs. We came home about 3 pm. Alice & Kenneth were here when we got home."
Monday, November 6: "I went to school. Kenneth came after me after school. Went to Berdo. to the show. Went over to Trowbridges a little while."
Tuesday, November 7: "I went to school. Alice & Kenneth came after me. We went to Bear Valley in the afternoon."
Wednesday, November 8: "I went to school. Mama, Alice & Kenneth came after me. Visited Hammonds & Kinghams."
Thursday, November 9: "I didn't go to school. We got to Alice's about 3:30 pm. They were glad to see us."
Friday, November 10: "Alice & Kenneth left for Modesto early in the morning. Alice & I visited Lulu at Lancaster."
Saturday, November 11: "Alice & Kenneth got back to Alices about 4 pm. We left for L.A. about 6. Got to L.A. about 9 o'clock."
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The writer is Ethel Ranney Tapley. |
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Alice is her sister. |
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Kenneth is her brother. |
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Her parents. |
Delma = Hazel's little sister
Earl = Hazel's brother
Verda = Earl's wife
Dorothy Lee = Hazel's niece (Earl's child)
Otho is Otho Hesser, her father's cousin.
Viella is Otho's wife.
Ruth & Kathryn are Otho and Viella's daughters.
Uncle Jont is Jonathan Hesser, Otho's father and her father's uncle.
Aunt Kate is Sarah Katherine Hall Hesser, Jonathan's wife and Otho's mother
Herman (Williams) is Alice's husband.
Kenneth's wife is also named Alice; her maiden name is unknown.
Sunday, November 5: "Hazel & I went to Monterey Pk. & met Mama. Ate some more lunch at Mrs. Childs. We came home about 3 pm. Alice & Kenneth were here when we got home."
Monday, November 6: "I went to school. Kenneth came after me after school. Went to Berdo. to the show. Went over to Trowbridges a little while."
Tuesday, November 7: "I went to school. Alice & Kenneth came after me. We went to Bear Valley in the afternoon."
Wednesday, November 8: "I went to school. Mama, Alice & Kenneth came after me. Visited Hammonds & Kinghams."
Thursday, November 9: "I didn't go to school. We got to Alice's about 3:30 pm. They were glad to see us."
Friday, November 10: "Alice & Kenneth left for Modesto early in the morning. Alice & I visited Lulu at Lancaster."
Saturday, November 11: "Alice & Kenneth got back to Alices about 4 pm. We left for L.A. about 6. Got to L.A. about 9 o'clock."
Saturday, November 5, 2011
Saturday Night Genealogy Fun - The YouTube Channel
From Randy over at Genea-Musings:
Hey genea-peeps, it's SATURDAY NIGHT! - time for more GENEALOGY FUN!
Your mission, should you decide to accept it, is to:
1) visit the YouTube Channel (which has 98 videos now) at
2) Watch one of these four videos:
** LIVE: Search with Ancestry Anne with Anne Mitchell
** LIVE: One Question with the Barefoot Genealogist with Crista Cowan
** LIVE: Lorraine's 5 Tips for Online Grave Digging with Lorraine Bourne
** LIVE: How do I use newspapers on to find out more about my ancestors? with Crista Cowan
3) Go up to the YouTube search field and enter "genealogy" and your surname in the search field. What results do you get? Are there any videos of interest on that list, even if they're not about your surname? Did you watch one of the videos?
4) In the YouTube search field, enter "genealogy" and the name of one of your favorite genealogists. What results do you get? Did you watch one of the videos?
5) Tell us about it in a blog post of your own, in a comment to this blog post, or in a status Ine in Facebook, a Twitter tweet, or a stream item on Google Plus.
Here's mine:
1) Done!
2) I watched LIVE: One Question with the Barefoot Genealogist with Crista Cowan. Like Randy, I also learned that the Los Angeles Times obituaries are in the "Historical Newspapers, Births, Marriages and Death Announcements" collection. I didn't know that, and I will be using that tip!
3) I entered "genealogy" and "Tapley" in the YouTube search field and did not get any results I could use, unfortunately. I did start watching one video, but it was for the purpose of trying to sell you a definition of your surname.
Hey genea-peeps, it's SATURDAY NIGHT! - time for more GENEALOGY FUN!
Your mission, should you decide to accept it, is to:
1) visit the YouTube Channel (which has 98 videos now) at
2) Watch one of these four videos:
** LIVE: Search with Ancestry Anne with Anne Mitchell
** LIVE: One Question with the Barefoot Genealogist with Crista Cowan
** LIVE: Lorraine's 5 Tips for Online Grave Digging with Lorraine Bourne
** LIVE: How do I use newspapers on to find out more about my ancestors? with Crista Cowan
3) Go up to the YouTube search field and enter "genealogy" and your surname in the search field. What results do you get? Are there any videos of interest on that list, even if they're not about your surname? Did you watch one of the videos?
4) In the YouTube search field, enter "genealogy" and the name of one of your favorite genealogists. What results do you get? Did you watch one of the videos?
5) Tell us about it in a blog post of your own, in a comment to this blog post, or in a status Ine in Facebook, a Twitter tweet, or a stream item on Google Plus.
Here's mine:
1) Done!
2) I watched LIVE: One Question with the Barefoot Genealogist with Crista Cowan. Like Randy, I also learned that the Los Angeles Times obituaries are in the "Historical Newspapers, Births, Marriages and Death Announcements" collection. I didn't know that, and I will be using that tip!
3) I entered "genealogy" and "Tapley" in the YouTube search field and did not get any results I could use, unfortunately. I did start watching one video, but it was for the purpose of trying to sell you a definition of your surname.
4) I entered "genealogy" and "Thomas MacEntee", who is most everyone's favorite genealogist! I got 20 hits. I watched a couple of the videos. The first was Thomas and Jean Wilcox Hibbens singing "Down at the River Side" at Jamboree last year. Thomas has a wonderful voice. The second video I watched as "Genealogy -- More than just names and dates". The tag line reads, "Thomas MacEntee a new contributor to the
Daily National speaks with TJ Walker about his ancestry and how others
might learn more about their family history." The video was posted about a month ago.
5) About to be done!
Grandma's Diary, Part 43
(To read prior entries from my maternal grandmother's 1933 diary, please
click on the tab "Posts by Topic" and then go
to the topic "California." All posts are listed
H = her boyfriend, Hazel Avery Plumlee
Delma = Hazel's little sister
Earl = Hazel's brother
Verda = Earl's wife
Dorothy Lee = Hazel's niece (Earl's child)
Otho is Otho Hesser, her father's cousin.
Viella is Otho's wife.
Ruth & Kathryn are Otho and Viella's daughters.
Uncle Jont is Jonathan Hesser, Otho's father and her father's uncle.
Aunt Kate is Sarah Katherine Hall Hesser, Jonathan's wife and Otho's mother
Herman (Williams) is Alice's husband.
Sunday, October 29: "Went to Yucaipa & got some ice & made some ice cream. Coopers & Mrs. Ball were here a little while. Alice & Herman went home about 3 pm."
Monday, October 30: "I went to school."
Tuesday, October 31: "I went to school."
Wednesday, November 1: "I went to school."
Thursday, November 2: "I went to school. Clara waved my hair. Went to Yucaipa in the eve."
Friday, November 3: "Laura took mama & I to Montery Pk. I took the street car & met Hazel in L. A. We went to the show in the eve."
Saturday, November 4: "It is sure good to see Hazel again."
Monterey Park is a city in Los Angeles County, California, United States, 10 miles (16 km) east of downtown Los Angeles. Source: Monterey Park, California. (2011, October 27). In Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. Retrieved 03:50, November 5, 2011, from,_California&oldid=457629444
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The writer is Ethel Ranney Tapley. |
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Alice is her sister. |
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Kenneth is her brother. |
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Her parents. |
Delma = Hazel's little sister
Earl = Hazel's brother
Verda = Earl's wife
Dorothy Lee = Hazel's niece (Earl's child)
Otho is Otho Hesser, her father's cousin.
Viella is Otho's wife.
Ruth & Kathryn are Otho and Viella's daughters.
Uncle Jont is Jonathan Hesser, Otho's father and her father's uncle.
Aunt Kate is Sarah Katherine Hall Hesser, Jonathan's wife and Otho's mother
Herman (Williams) is Alice's husband.
Sunday, October 29: "Went to Yucaipa & got some ice & made some ice cream. Coopers & Mrs. Ball were here a little while. Alice & Herman went home about 3 pm."
Monday, October 30: "I went to school."
Tuesday, October 31: "I went to school."
Wednesday, November 1: "I went to school."
Thursday, November 2: "I went to school. Clara waved my hair. Went to Yucaipa in the eve."
Friday, November 3: "Laura took mama & I to Montery Pk. I took the street car & met Hazel in L. A. We went to the show in the eve."
Saturday, November 4: "It is sure good to see Hazel again."
Monterey Park is a city in Los Angeles County, California, United States, 10 miles (16 km) east of downtown Los Angeles. Source: Monterey Park, California. (2011, October 27). In Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. Retrieved 03:50, November 5, 2011, from,_California&oldid=457629444
Los Angeles,
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