Sunday, March 31, 2013

Sunday's Obituary: Viella Crites Hesser

"Death Notices

  Word was received here of the death of Mrs. Otho Hesser, the former Viella Crites, of Elida.  Mrs. Hesser, 85, died Thursday in Manchester, Mo.  Before leaving the Lima area in 1920, she taught in the Elida schools.  Surviving are two daughters, two grandchildren and two great-grandchildren.  Several nieces and nephews, in the Lima area also survive.  Funeral and burial were held Saturday in Redlands, Calif."

- Lima News (Lima, Ohio) [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Operations Inc, 2006.

Original data: Lima News. Lima, OH, USA. Database created from microfilm copies of the newspaper.

Printed in the Lima News on July 1, 1973.

Viella was the wife of my 1st cousin, 3x removed.  She was good friends with my great-grandmother, Bessie Carter Ranney, evidenced by how much time they spent together as recorded by Bessie in her journal.

Mary Elizabeth Tapley
Linda Irene Tapley
My mother
Ethel Irene Ranney Tapley
My grandmother
Luther Boardman Ranney
My great-grandfather
Mary Margaret Hesser Ranney
My 2nd great-grandmother
James Warren Hesser
My 3rd great-grandfather
Jonathan Elisha Hesser
James Warren’s son, Mary Margaret’s brother, and my 2nd great grand uncle
Otho Elwood Hesser
Jonathan’s son and my 1st cousin, 3x removed
Mary Viella Crites Hesser
Otho’s wife

Friday, March 29, 2013

Bessie Carter Ranney's 1929 Diary - Week 12, March 24-30

(To read entries from my maternal great-grandmother's 1929 diary, please click on the tab "Posts by Topic" and then go to the topic "California." All posts are listed there.)
The Players:
The writer is Bessie Carter Ranney, my great-grandmother.  She was 46 at the time of this writing.
Her husband:
Luther Boardman Ranney, my great-grandfather.  He was 59 at the time of this writing.
 Her children:
Kenneth.  He was 20 at the time of this writing.
Alice.  She was 18 at the time of this writing.
Ethel, my grandmother.  She was 16 at the time of this writing.
Viella Crites Hesser, wife of Luther's first cousin, Otho Hesser

Jonathan Elisha "Uncle Jon't" Hesser & his wife, Sarah Catherine "Aunt Kate" Hall Hesser, Luther's uncle and aunt and Otho's parents.

Sunday, March 24, 1929:  "Girls & I went to Sun. School.  Ethel went with Lucille.  Alice & I went to State St. Christian Church to the Dedication.  After church we all went to Viella's for dinner. Came home in time for Vespers then Alice & Luther & I went to Church in the evening."

Monday, March 25, 1929:  "Washed in the forenoon.  Alice went to the Library to work on her theme but couldn't find material so the girls & I went to San Bernardino to the Library in the afternoon.  Stayed at Woessner's in the evening."

Tuesday, March 26, 1929:  "The girls and I left at 9 o'clock on a real estate trip to Capistrano Beach.  Found things moving nicely there.  St. lights in, some curbing & side walks.  6 new houses.  We had a pleasant day & home a little after 7."

Wednesday, March 27, 1929:  "Ironed & Viella & her girls came to an early dinner then we all went to San Bernardino & shopped all afternoon.  Had a good time.  Found an invitation when we got home to visit Laura next day."

E Street, San Bernardino, California, 1920's, courtesy of

Thursday, March 28, 1929:  "Laura came for us at 10:30.  Had a good visit with Laura's aunt, Mrs. Munson.  After dinner we went to San Bernardino again.  Got back to Highland a little after 6.  Luther was there to bring us home."

Friday, March 29, 1929:  "Girls and I went to town & stayed until afternoon.  Took care of Chas. an hr. and a half.  Went to Bruce's in the eve. but so late they were all in bed but Bruce."

Saturday, March 30, 1929:  "Ethel & I went up town awhile.  Mrs. Munson came at 11 o'clock.  Laura Dodson came about 4 o'clock & we went over to San Bernardino & she brought us home about 7 o'clock.  Luther worked with some bees & got stung quite a bit."

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Tombstone Tuesday: James Tillman Tapley

James Tillman "Fella" Tapley

b 16 Aug 1904
Johnson County, Georgia

d 25 Jul 1974
Macon, Bibb County, Georgia

laid to rest at
Gumlog Primitive Baptist Church Cemetery
Johnson County, Georgia

husband of
Reida Mae Poole Tapley

son of
Lusion Keman Tapley
Mattie Schwalls Tapley

James was my uncle; my father's brother.  
 (I don't know how he got the nickname "Fella" and everyone else I know called him that, but I always called him Uncle James for some reason.)

Monday, March 25, 2013

Amanuensis Monday: Tapley to Short Deed


North Carolina

This Indenture made the thirteenth Day of December in the Year of our Lord one thousand seven Hundred & forty eight between Hosea Tapley of Northampton County in the said Provence of the one Part and William Short of the said County of NC of the other part Witnesseth {?} the said Hosea Tapley for and In consideration of the Sum of Twenty Five pounds Current Money of Virginia to me in hand paid by the said Wm Short before the ensealing and Delivery hereof the receipt whereof I do hereby Acknowledge and myself Contended and paid have given granted bargained Sold Conveyed and Confirmed and do by these Presents fully Timely and Absolutely give grant bargain Sell Convey and Confirm unto the said William Short his heirs and assigns forever a Certain Tract or parcell of Land Containing Two Hundred acres Lying in the County afd bounded as followeth beginning at a red Oak in Joshua {?} Line thence along the said Line to a pine a Corner of John Richards's Land thence along his Line to a pine a Corner of Arthur Harris's Land thence along his Line to a pine another of his Corner thence along a Line of marked Trees to the first Station being part of a Parcel granted to Thomas Avent for four hundred acres of Land with all woods waters profits {?} and Appendences to the said Land belonging or {?} {?} {?} with the Reversion and Reversions remainder and Remainders {?} {?} and profits thereof & of every part and parcell thereof.  To have and to hold the said Two hundred Acres of Land & Premises hereby granted to the only Sole use bought and behoof of him the said William Short his heirs and assigns forever and The said Hosea Tapley for myself my heirs Excs & admrs do Covenant and agree to and with the said William Short his heirs and assigns that The said Hosea Tapley at the time of the execution hereof and {?} Lawfully {?} of all said Singular the Premises hereby granted as an absolute Estate of {?} {?} {?} fee Simple having {?} full Power and Authority to sell and Dispose of the same as in manner as afd and that the sd Land and Premises is free and Clear of all other Gifts grants bargains Sales Leases Mortgages and all other manner of Incumbrances whatsoever and Further that I the said Hosea Tapley my heirs Ecrs and Administrators the said Land & Premises with all and every the Appurtenances unto the said William Short his heirs and Assigns with warrants and forever Defend by these Presents against the Lawfull Claims and manner of all every person or persons whosoever and shall & will at any time hereafter on demand give and account such further and other Conveyance for the better Securing the within granted Premises unto the said William Short his heirs and Assigns as {?} the said William Short his heirs or Assigns or his or their Councel Learned in the Law can be reasonably {?} advised or required.  In Winess whereof I have hereunto put my hand and Seal the day and Year above written.

Signed Sealed in presence of us}
{?} Edwards Thos Barret Wm Hurst}

Hosea Tapley and a Seal
Northampton County {?} February Court {?}

The above written Deed from Hosea Tapley to William Short was proved in open Court by the Oath of Thomas Barret one of the Subscribing Witnesses therto which one Station was ordered to be Registered.

{?} Edwards Clerk{?}"

Northampton County (NC) Real Estate Conveyances, 1741-1758, Vols. 1, 2, Microfilm #C.071.40001, p. 364-365.

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Sunday's Obituary: Clifford C. Foskey

"Clifford C. Foskey

 Clifford C. Foskey, 79, of 4807 Warm Springs Road, Columbus, died Friday at

St. Francis Hospital.

 The graveside funeral will be at 2PM Sunday at Park Hill Cemetery, according

to Striffler-Hamby Mortuary, Columbus. Visitation will be 6-8PM today at the

funeral home.

 Mr. Foskey was born Jan 2, 1915 in Wrightsville, Ga., son of Lester and Maude

Rawls Foskey. He retired as an inspector after 27 years with West Point

Pepperell; served under Gen. George Patton in Belgium, Germany, and Africa in

the US Army during World War II; and was a member of First Christian Church,

Lake Butler, Fla.

 Survivors include his wife, Willie Mae; two sons, Larry Foskey of Monticello,

Ga. and Charles Foskey of Columbus; three daughters, Brenda Bruner of Phoenix

City, Terri Grafield and Peggy Foskey, both of Columbus; a sister, Adolyen

Hendricks of Gainesville, Fla; 11 grandchildren; and 7 great-grandchildren."

Johnson-Muscogee County GaArchives Obituaries.....Foskey, Clifford C. February 18, 1994

The Columbus (GA) Ledger-Enquirer 2-19-1994 Page B6 

File at:

Clifford Foskey was my 2nd cousin, 1x removed.

Mary Elizabeth Tapley
Gilbert Earl Tapley
My father
Nealie Drake Tapley
My grandmother
Emma Vermell Harrell
My great-grandmother
William Robert Harrell and
Catherine M Odom Harrell
My 2nd great-grandparents
Nancy Jane Harrell
Emma’s sister and my great grand aunt
Lester Ottis Foskey
Nancy’s son and my 1st cousin, 2x removed
Clifford C Foskey
Lester’s son and my 2nd cousin, 1x removed