Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Wedding Wednesday - Ada F Hesser & John W Armstrong

Ada Faye Hesser (1889-1981) 


John Wilson Armstrong (1883-1937)

united in marriage 04 June 1912

La Rue, Marion, Ohio, USA


Published in The Marion Star
Marion, Ohio
Tuesday, June 4, 1912, Page 5

[Transcription provided by ChatGPT.  It was a nearly perfect transcription - I think I only had to correct two items. As you can guess, you will be able to read a transcription for every news item or article I post from now on.]


Miss Ada F. Hesser and Mr. John W. Armstrong.


Mr. Armstrong Serves as Principal of the La Rue High School and Bride Is a Teacher—Young People Will Make Their Future Home in South Dakota.

La Rue, O., June 4.—[Special.]—Miss Ada Faye Hesser, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. S. M. Hesser, of this place, was united in marriage to John Wilson Armstrong, of Barnsville, principal of the La Rue high school, at the home of her parents, this morning at 7 o’clock. Rev. M. C. Wiseley used the full ring ceremony in the presence of only the immediate family and the Trident club, of which the bride is a member. As the young people took their places before the officiating minister Miss Serol Marmon sang, “Love’s Old Sweet Song,” to an accompaniment played by the bride’s sister, Miss Anna Hesser. A wedding breakfast was served, Miss Mabel Everett and Miss Iris Thombs assisting.

The bridal party came to Marion and left at 10:25 o’clock for Chicago. From there they will go to Portland, Oregon, Salt Lake City and other western points, returning to La Rue about August 1. After a short visit here they will leave for Chamberlain, South Dakota, where Mr. Armstrong has accepted a position as a teacher in the public schools.

The bride is a pleasing young woman and for the past three years has taught the second grade in the local schools. The groom is a son of Mrs. Tabitha Armstrong, of Barnsville, and has been principal in the La Rue schools for the past two years."

 Ada and John were married for 24+ years until his death in 1937 at only 53 years old. They had three sons together.  

Ada was my Half 1st cousin, 3x removed.  Our common ancestor is James Warren Hesser (1819-1904).

These types of articles offer lots of information for the family tree.  They can provide the bride's maiden name; the names of the parents of the couple and where they are from; the address of the both the bride's and groom's parents; how the couple met; where they each attended school; where the groom and bride were employed; where they plan to live after the wedding, and whether the groom may have served in the military.  Because of the great information they provide, I save all engagement, wedding, and marriage announcements I find.  

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