Saturday, December 5, 2020

Saturday Night Genealogy Fun - Your 2020 "Dear Genea-Santa" Letter

 From Randy (my newest cousin discovery!!) over at Genea-Musings:

it's Saturday Night 
time for more Genealogy Fun!!!

Come on, everybody!   Join in and accept the mission and execute it with precision. Here's your chance to sit on Genea-Santa's lap (virtually) and tell him your Christmas genealogy-oriented wish list!

(1)  Write your 2020 Genea-Santa letter.  Have you been a good genealogy girl or boy? What genealogy-oriented items are on your Christmas wish list? They could be family history items, technology items, or things that you want to pursue in your ancestral quest.  

(2)  Tell us all about it in your own blog post, in a comment to this post, or in a post on Facebook.  

Here's mine:

Dear Genea-Santa,

I tried really hard to be a good girl, genealogy speaking, this year.  I added more names, facts, notes, and sources to my FTM database.  Thousands of relatives.  I've reached out to more new cousins.  I even found a link to the Mayflower!  

Thank you for the continuing gift of an membership!  (Thanks, Mom!) Thank you for the Family Tree Maker software.  

Alas, there is still more that I need.  This year, some items I want for Christmas are...

* The FTM 2019 Companion Guide that I ordered way back in September!  I need this book to help me learn all I can and make the most of my FTM program.  I also need it to learn how to configure the reports I need.  It's complicated.

* A way to have internet access when I am out in the boondocks, searching a cemetery for ancestors.

* For my cousins to suddenly become motivated and share their family's story and info with me, such as names  and birth dates of children and grandchildren.  Their daughter-in-law's maiden name.  Where they were born.  Stories for this blog.  Anything to add to the tapestry of the family.

* A breakthrough on the Schwalls line...

* A membership to

* Someone who enjoys genealogy and history here in the Durham area that would be willing to ride up to 3-4 hours just to visit a cemetery with me.

Thank you, Genea-Santa, for listening to my wish list.  It's been a rough year for everyone, so it is going to be extra wonderful to see you spread cheer this season.  

Merry Christmas!

1 comment:

  1. Liz, You have a nice concise list with many reasonable requests. I especially hope Santa leaves you a bread crumb trail to your Schwalls family. Happy Holidays!
