Tuesday, September 20, 2011

The Journey Through Hallowed Ground, Day 1

My mother and I headed out today on another one of our trips. Tonight we are in Charlottesville, Virginia, the first stop of our 7-8 day journey.

"The Journey Through Hallowed Ground National Heritage Area & National Scenic Byway stretches 180 miles along the Route 15 Corridor from Gettysburg, Pennsylvania through Frederick County, Maryland and ends at Thomas Jefferson's Monticello near Charlottesville, Virginia. Its ground is a treasure trove of history - Native and African-American sites, restored architectural gems, Presidential homes, battlefields - but the land is also alive with vibrant downtowns, rich agriculture and an abundant bounty of wineries, inns, beds-and-breakfasts, fairs and antique dealers. The Journey is, indeed, Hallowed. It deserves to be cherished. It must be celebrated. But most of all, it yearns to be enjoyed!" From a map/brochure produced by The Journey Through Hallowed Ground Partnership, www.hallowedground.org.

Of course, Mom and I are doing the trip backwards. We got a later start today than we had planned, so we had to move Appomattox Court House (the site of the peace accord that ended the Civil War) to the end of our trip. So we simply drove up here to Charlottesville, settled into the Holiday Inn, and are supposed to be getting some sleep so that we can get up bright and early and get busy being tourists!

Tomorrow we plan to tour Monticello, Thomas Jefferson's Home, have lunch at the historic Michie Tavern ("a complete 18th century experience!"), and tour Ash Lawn-Highland, the home of President James Monroe, in the afternoon. I will blog about our experiences tomorrow night.

Along the way, we did manage to take a couple of snapshots...

Is THIS state big enough for us?!

So THIS is where all of your Facebook farms are really located!

1 comment:

  1. OMG...that is so funny...a real Farmville :)
