"To all to whom these presence shall come greeting Know ye that I Richard Drake of the County of Nash and state of North carolina For certain causes me hereunto moveing have given granted bargained and by these presence do give grant and Confirm unto William Flemmons Jn'r of the County and State aforesaid a certain parcel or Tract of Land lying and being in the County aforesaid lying on the Head Waters of Town Creek and Bounded as follows Beginning at a Pine Winstead corner and running North three hundred and ninety six poles to a corner pine in Vivisetts line thence along said Vivesetts line South forty degrees west one hundred & Ten Poles to a Maple and pine thence South three Hundred and Twelve poles to a red Oak thence East to the first Station Containing by Estimation One hundred & fifty acres be the same more or Less worth all and Singular the appearances thereunto belonging To have and to hold the said tract of Land and premises unto the said William Flemmons Jn'r, his heirs & assigns forever, and the Said Richard Drake for himself his heirs Executors & Admin's this afores'd Tract of Land and premises unto the afores'd William Flemmons his heirs and assigns shall and will Warrant and [?] Defend by these presents In Witness whereof the said Richard Drake hath hereunto set his hand and affixed his Seal this 7th Day of May 1819 the said Richard Drake hath before the Delivering of this aforesaid Tract of Land made an Exception of a Certain Grave Yard ten feet by fourteen feet square
Signed Sealed and Delivered
Richard Drake {Seal}
In presence of
J Shaun Daniel
Benjamin Crumples
{Nash County { February Term
{the foregoing Deed of Gift was Exhibited
{In Open Court for propate and an Motion Ordered to be recorded
{And is Recorded By
[?] Ellen PR"
Nash County [North Carolina] Real Estate Conveyances, 1816-1829, Vols. 10, 11, 12, Microfilm C.069.40004, Vol. 10 page 130. |
Richard Drake was my 4th great-grandfather.
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